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Classic Books

in Religious Education and Related Fields

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Title Author Publisher PubYr Price Description
Growing with God’s Love: Teacher Edition w/Student Text Gr.4 Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al Wm H Sadlier, Inc. NY 1985 $3.00 Spiral bound, 271-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for Fourth Grade Level.
Good Condition
Growing with God's Word - Teacher Edition w/Student Text Gr 6 Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY 1984 $4.00 This spiral bound, 327-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for Sixth Grade Level.
Good Condition
Growing with God's Life - Teacher Edition w/ Student Text Gr.5 Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY 1984 $4.00 This spiral bound, 327-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for Fifth Grade Level.
Good Condition
Growing with God - Teacher Edition w/ Student Text Gr.1 Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY 1983 $3.00 This spiral bound, 252-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for First Grade Level.
Good Condition
Jesus Who? - Jr/Sr HS - Student copy James Digiacomo SJ Winston Press Minneapolis, MN 1973 $2.00 This 59-page, paperback, is in good condition.
Christ Our Life (perform-a-text - Grade 3 )-Student copy Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, OH Loyola University Press Chicago, IL 1974 $3.00 This 180-page paperback activity book for primary graders is in very good condition. It has stories, games, puzzles and activities.
The World Treasury of Modern Religious Thought J Pelikan; C Fadiman (editors) Little, Brown & Co. Boston 1990 $12.00 This 635-page, soft cover collection of more than 60 classic essays is in very good condition. authors include Dostoyevsky, Camus, James, Barth, Jung, G.M. Hopkins; M.L. King; Tillich; C.S. Lewis; Tagore; J.H. Newman; Bonhoeffer; Gandhi; M. de Unamuno; R.W. Emerson; C. Chang; D. Day; Schweitzer; Eliade; Heschel; Kierkegaard; de Chardin; Solzhenitsyn and more.
Encounters Collection Houghton Mifflin Co. NY, Boston, LA 1970 $2.00 This 113-page paperback book of readings is in good condition.
It is a part of a Houghton Mifflin Action Series- a Reading Program with classic pieces from Wm. Saroyan, Landston Hughes, Robert Frost, Emily Dickenson, James Thurber, etc.
Peace-ing It Together Grades 5-9 Pat Fellers Winston Press Hagerstown, MD 1981 $5.00 This 137-page paperback book of ideas and activities is in very good condition. It has 55 reproducible, classroom tested activities for Peace Education.
Designs in Affective Education Elizabeth W. Flynn & John F. LaFaso Paulist Press NY/Paramus, NJ
$6.00 This 358-page paperback book is a teacher resource program for Junior and Senior High. It is in very good condition. Includes 126 Teaching Strategies in a recipe-like format. Themes: Communication, Freedom. Peace, Love, Valuing, Prejudice, Family, Ecology, Meditation and many more.
God Cares for Us (perform-a-text-2) Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, OH Loyola University Press Chicago, IL 1973 $3.00 This 154-page paperback activity book is for primary graders. It is in very good condition. It has stories, games, puzzles and activities.
Come, Lord Jesus (Guidebook Bible, Life & Worship Series Bk2) SM Johnice, IHM & SM Elizabeth, IHM Allyn & Bacon 1965 $2.00 This 251-page paperback is in good condition.
Forming Catechists: An Introduction to CCD Teaching Rev.T.D. Conway & Eileen Anderson Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY; Chicago 1966 $2.00 This 117-page paperback classic is a CCD teacher’s resource book.It is in good condition.
Education and the Worship of God Philip H. Phenix Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa 1966 $55.00 This is another, hard to acquire, hard cover book. The 192-page book w/jacket cover, is in good condition. There is some underlining and margin notations.
Leading our Children to God A Faith Guide for Catholic Parents Wm Brinkmann & Wm Ditewig Ave Maria Press Notre Dame, IN 1984 $4.00 This 95-page, paperback is in very good condition.
Psychoanalysis and Religion Erich Fromm Bantam Books 1950 $2.00 This 115-page classic paperback has yellowing pages but is in good reading condition.
Behold the Beauty of the Lord Praying with Icons Rev Henri Nouwen Ave Maria Press Notre Dame, IN 1987 $4.00 This spiral bound 80-page classic, paperback art (with some fold outs) and meditation book is in excellent condition. a written notation of its previous use is inside the covers.
The new Sexuality Myths Fables and Hang-Ups Fr. Eugene c Kennedy Doubleday Co Inc Garden City, NY 1972 $4.00 This 122-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition. It has library seal of a previous owner on the title page.
The Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life Theological-Historical Commission for the Jubilee Crossroad Herder Book Publishing Co, NY 1997 $5.00 This classic paperback was part of the spiritual preparation for the new millennium as requested by Pope John Paul II. It is in “like new condition.”
Stages of Faith the Psychology od Human Development & Quest for Meaning James W Fowler Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco 1981 $5.00 This 332-page hard cover book w/jacket is in very good condition;
The Catholic Church in the Modern World a Survey from the French Revolution to the Present E E Y Hales Hanover House Garden Citym, NY 1958 $5.00 This 312-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition.
A Religious History of the American People Sydney E Ahlstrom Yale University Press New Haven, Lonon 1972 $10.00 This 1158 -page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in very good condition. Winner of the National book Award 1973
I Believe the personal Structure of Faith Abbe Jean Mouroux Sheed & Ward, NY 1959 $4.00 This 109-page, hard cover (w/ book jacket) classic is in good condition.
The Healing Touch of Affirmation M Basil Pennington, OCSO Paulist Press NY, Ramsey 1981 $3.00 This 200-page, paper back is in good condition.
Life for a Wanderer A New Look at Christian Spirituality Andrew M Greeley Doubleday & Company Garden City, NY 1969 $3.00 This 157-page, Image Book, paperback is in good condition.
Your God is Too Small J B Phillips MACMILLAN Co. NY 1967 $3.00 This 124-page classic is a paperback in good condition.
Achieving Peace of Heart Narcisco Irala SJ Abbey Press, St Meinrad, IN 1969 $3.00 This 259-page classic is a paperback in good condition.
Honest to God John A t Robinson Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa 1962 $3.00 This 143-page paperback is in good condition.
Man on His Own essays on the Philosophy of Religion Ernst Bloch Herder & Herder NY 1970 $4.00 This 240-page Hard Cover (w/jacket) is in good condition. There are several hand written notes and some underling.
The healing Touch of Affirmation Rev Thomas A Kane PhD Affirmation Books Whitinsville, MA 1976 $3.00 This 126-page paperback has 1 page missing. It is in good condition.
Rediscovering Catholicism Matthew Kelly Our Sunday Visitor, Inc Huntington, IN 2002 $5.00 This 313-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in “like new” condition
Ministry & Education in Conversation Mary c Boys, Editor St Mary’s Press Winona, MN 1981 $4.00 This 133-page paperback book is in good condition.
Love Mary Jan & Lawrence Losoncy Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 1970 $2.00 Paperback-142 pages; good condition.
The Real Thing Richard Reichert Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 1972 $2.00 This142- page paperback is in good condition.
Growing Strong at Broken Places Paula Ripple Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 1986 $3.00 This181- page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition
More Radiant than the Noonday Loretta Girzaitis Twenty-Third Publications, West Mystic, CT 1981 $3.00 This 181-page paperback is in good condition.
Winston, Minneapolis, MN 1984 $5.00 This 84-page large format hard cover book w/jacket is in good condition. This is a book of European Masterpieces depicting the Scriptural accounts of stories of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ.
Catholic Education in America A Documentary History Neil g McCloskey SJ Teachers College Press (Columbia University) 1964 $3.00 This 205-page, paperback is in good condition. The author received his doctorate at Columbia University.
A Man for All Seasons A Play in Two Acts Robert Bolt Random House NY 1960 $4.00 This 163-page hard cover (w/jacket) is a play about St. Thomas More and the authority of the individual conscience. It is in good condition.
Faith Development in the Adult Life Cycle Kenneth Stokes Editor Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY Chicago, LA 1982 $4.00 320-page paperback includes chapters by Fowler, Moran, Wilcox, Goodin, Vogel, Cronin and others. It is in good condition
Morning Light the Spiritual Journal of Jean Sullivan Jean Sullivan translated by Cunneen & Gormally Paulist Press NY, Ramsey 1988 Eng $3.00 This 180-page paper back is in good condition.
Life Maps Conversations on the Journey of Faith J Fowler & Sam Keen Word Books Waco, TX 1978
This 164-page paper back is in good condition.
Praying in Your Own Voice Through Writing Virginia Phelan PhD Liguori Publications Liguori, MO 1994 $2.50 This 64-page small format paperback is in “like new” condition.
The Hour of the Unexpected John Shea Argus Communications Allen, TX 1977 $3.00 This 117-page, paperback text is in good condition.
I Sought and I Found Carlo Carretto Orbis Maryknoll, NY 1984 (Eng) $6.00 This 154-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is a spiritual autobiography. It is in “like new”condition.
When the Well Runs Dry Prayer Beyond the Beginnings Thomas H Green Sj Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 1979 $4.00 This175-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition.
Toward Moral & Religious Maturity C Brusselmans; J O’Donohoe; J Fowler; Vergote, et al Silver Burdett Morristown, NJ 1980 $6.00 This 586-page paperback is in good condition.
It contains essays by North American and European Scholar-Participants in the First International Conference on Moral and Religious Development.
Introduction to Catechetics Peter de Rosa (Editor) The Bruce Publishing Co. Milwaukee 1968 $3.00 This 198-page paperback is in good condition.
St. Francis of Assisi (a Biography) Johannes Jorgenson Doubleday & Company Garden City, NY 1969 $3.00 This 354-page, Image Book, paperback is in good condition.
Teilhard, the Man, the Priest, the Scientist a Biography Mary Lukas & Ellan Lukas Doubleday Co Inc Garden City, NY 1977 $4.00 This 360-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition. It has the writing of a previous owner on the inside page of the front cover.

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