JP II Resources presents: Classic Books in Religious Education and Related Fields Religion Resources |
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Title | Author | Publisher | PubYr | Price | Description |
57 |
Growing with Gods Love: Teacher Edition w/Student Text Gr.4 | Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al | Wm H Sadlier, Inc. NY | 1985 | $3.00 | Spiral bound, 271-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for Fourth Grade Level. Good Condition |
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Growing with God's Word - Teacher Edition w/Student Text Gr 6 | Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al | Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY | 1984 | $4.00 | This spiral bound, 327-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for Sixth Grade Level. Good Condition |
61 |
Growing with God's Life - Teacher Edition w/ Student Text Gr.5 | Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al | Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY | 1984 | $4.00 | This spiral bound, 327-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for Fifth Grade Level. Good Condition |
62 |
Growing with God - Teacher Edition w/ Student Text Gr.1 | Sr Maria de la Cruz Aymes, et al | Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY | 1983 | $3.00 | This spiral bound, 252-page paperback edition of Teacher's Edition combined with Student Text is for First Grade Level. Good Condition |
87 |
Jesus Who? - Jr/Sr HS - Student copy | James Digiacomo SJ | Winston Press Minneapolis, MN | 1973 | $2.00 | This 59-page, paperback, is in good condition. |
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Christ Our Life (perform-a-text - Grade 3 )-Student copy | Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, OH | Loyola University Press Chicago, IL | 1974 | $3.00 | This 180-page paperback activity book for primary graders is in very good condition. It has stories, games, puzzles and activities. |
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The World Treasury of Modern Religious Thought | J Pelikan; C Fadiman (editors) | Little, Brown & Co. Boston | 1990 | $12.00 | This 635-page, soft cover collection of more than 60 classic essays is in very good condition. authors include Dostoyevsky, Camus, James, Barth, Jung, G.M. Hopkins; M.L. King; Tillich; C.S. Lewis; Tagore; J.H. Newman; Bonhoeffer; Gandhi; M. de Unamuno; R.W. Emerson; C. Chang; D. Day; Schweitzer; Eliade; Heschel; Kierkegaard; de Chardin; Solzhenitsyn and more. |
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Encounters | Collection | Houghton Mifflin Co. NY, Boston, LA | 1970 | $2.00 | This 113-page paperback book of readings is in good condition. It is a part of a Houghton Mifflin Action Series- a Reading Program with classic pieces from Wm. Saroyan, Landston Hughes, Robert Frost, Emily Dickenson, James Thurber, etc. |
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Peace-ing It Together Grades 5-9 | Pat Fellers | Winston Press Hagerstown, MD | 1981 | $5.00 | This 137-page paperback book of ideas and activities is in very good condition. It has 55 reproducible, classroom tested activities for Peace Education. |
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Designs in Affective Education | Elizabeth W. Flynn & John F. LaFaso | Paulist Press NY/Paramus, NJ | $6.00 | This 358-page paperback book is a teacher resource program for Junior and Senior High. It is in very good condition. Includes 126 Teaching Strategies in a recipe-like format. Themes: Communication, Freedom. Peace, Love, Valuing, Prejudice, Family, Ecology, Meditation and many more. | |
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God Cares for Us (perform-a-text-2) | Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, OH | Loyola University Press Chicago, IL | 1973 | $3.00 | This 154-page paperback activity book is for primary graders. It is in very good condition. It has stories, games, puzzles and activities. |
136 |
Come, Lord Jesus (Guidebook Bible, Life & Worship Series Bk2) | SM Johnice, IHM & SM Elizabeth, IHM | Allyn & Bacon | 1965 | $2.00 | This 251-page paperback is in good condition. |
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Forming Catechists: An Introduction to CCD Teaching | Rev.T.D. Conway & Eileen Anderson | Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY; Chicago | 1966 | $2.00 | This 117-page paperback classic is a CCD teachers resource book.It is in good condition. |
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Education and the Worship of God | Philip H. Phenix | Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa | 1966 | $55.00 | This is another, hard to acquire, hard cover book. The 192-page book w/jacket cover, is in good condition. There is some underlining and margin notations. |
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Leading our Children to God A Faith Guide for Catholic Parents | Wm Brinkmann & Wm Ditewig | Ave Maria Press Notre Dame, IN | 1984 | $4.00 | This 95-page, paperback is in very good condition. |
189 |
Psychoanalysis and Religion | Erich Fromm | Bantam Books | 1950 | $2.00 | This 115-page classic paperback has yellowing pages but is in good reading condition. |
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Behold the Beauty of the Lord Praying with Icons | Rev Henri Nouwen | Ave Maria Press Notre Dame, IN | 1987 | $4.00 | This spiral bound 80-page classic, paperback art (with some fold outs) and meditation book is in excellent condition. a written notation of its previous use is inside the covers. |
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The new Sexuality Myths Fables and Hang-Ups | Fr. Eugene c Kennedy | Doubleday Co Inc Garden City, NY | 1972 | $4.00 | This 122-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition. It has library seal of a previous owner on the title page. |
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The Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life | Theological-Historical Commission for the Jubilee | Crossroad Herder Book Publishing Co, NY | 1997 | $5.00 | This classic paperback was part of the spiritual preparation for the new millennium as requested by Pope John Paul II. It is in like new condition. |
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Stages of Faith the Psychology od Human Development & Quest for Meaning | James W Fowler | Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco | 1981 | $5.00 | This 332-page hard cover book w/jacket is in very good condition; |
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The Catholic Church in the Modern World a Survey from the French Revolution to the Present | E E Y Hales | Hanover House Garden Citym, NY | 1958 | $5.00 | This 312-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition. |
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A Religious History of the American People | Sydney E Ahlstrom | Yale University Press New Haven, Lonon | 1972 | $10.00 | This 1158 -page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in very good condition. Winner of the National book Award 1973 |
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I Believe the personal Structure of Faith | Abbe Jean Mouroux | Sheed & Ward, NY | 1959 | $4.00 | This 109-page, hard cover (w/ book jacket) classic is in good condition. |
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The Healing Touch of Affirmation | M Basil Pennington, OCSO | Paulist Press NY, Ramsey | 1981 | $3.00 | This 200-page, paper back is in good condition. |
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Life for a Wanderer A New Look at Christian Spirituality | Andrew M Greeley | Doubleday & Company Garden City, NY | 1969 | $3.00 | This 157-page, Image Book, paperback is in good condition. |
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Your God is Too Small | J B Phillips | MACMILLAN Co. NY | 1967 | $3.00 | This 124-page classic is a paperback in good condition. |
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Achieving Peace of Heart | Narcisco Irala SJ | Abbey Press, St Meinrad, IN | 1969 | $3.00 | This 259-page classic is a paperback in good condition. |
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Honest to God | John A t Robinson | Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa | 1962 | $3.00 | This 143-page paperback is in good condition. |
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Man on His Own essays on the Philosophy of Religion | Ernst Bloch | Herder & Herder NY | 1970 | $4.00 | This 240-page Hard Cover (w/jacket) is in good condition. There are several hand written notes and some underling. |
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The healing Touch of Affirmation | Rev Thomas A Kane PhD | Affirmation Books Whitinsville, MA | 1976 | $3.00 | This 126-page paperback has 1 page missing. It is in good condition. |
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Rediscovering Catholicism | Matthew Kelly | Our Sunday Visitor, Inc Huntington, IN | 2002 | $5.00 | This 313-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in like new condition |
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Ministry & Education in Conversation | Mary c Boys, Editor | St Marys Press Winona, MN | 1981 | $4.00 | This 133-page paperback book is in good condition. |
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Love | Mary Jan & Lawrence Losoncy | Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN | 1970 | $2.00 | Paperback-142 pages; good condition. |
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The Real Thing | Richard Reichert | Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN | 1972 | $2.00 | This142- page paperback is in good condition. |
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Growing Strong at Broken Places | Paula Ripple | Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN | 1986 | $3.00 | This181- page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition |
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More Radiant than the Noonday | Loretta Girzaitis | Twenty-Third Publications, West Mystic, CT | 1981 | $3.00 | This 181-page paperback is in good condition. |
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Easter | Winston, Minneapolis, MN | 1984 | $5.00 | This 84-page large format hard cover book w/jacket is in good condition. This is a book of European Masterpieces depicting the Scriptural accounts of stories of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. | |
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Catholic Education in America A Documentary History | Neil g McCloskey SJ | Teachers College Press (Columbia University) | 1964 | $3.00 | This 205-page, paperback is in good condition. The author received his doctorate at Columbia University. |
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A Man for All Seasons A Play in Two Acts | Robert Bolt | Random House NY | 1960 | $4.00 | This 163-page hard cover (w/jacket) is a play about St. Thomas More and the authority of the individual conscience. It is in good condition. |
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Faith Development in the Adult Life Cycle | Kenneth Stokes Editor | Wm H. Sadlier, Inc. NY Chicago, LA | 1982 | $4.00 | 320-page paperback includes chapters by Fowler, Moran, Wilcox, Goodin, Vogel, Cronin and others. It is in good condition |
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Morning Light the Spiritual Journal of Jean Sullivan | Jean Sullivan translated by Cunneen & Gormally | Paulist Press NY, Ramsey | 1988 Eng | $3.00 | This 180-page paper back is in good condition. |
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Life Maps Conversations on the Journey of Faith | J Fowler & Sam Keen | Word Books Waco, TX | 1978 | This 164-page paper back is in good condition. | |
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Praying in Your Own Voice Through Writing | Virginia Phelan PhD | Liguori Publications Liguori, MO | 1994 | $2.50 | This 64-page small format paperback is in like new condition. |
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The Hour of the Unexpected | John Shea | Argus Communications Allen, TX | 1977 | $3.00 | This 117-page, paperback text is in good condition. |
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I Sought and I Found | Carlo Carretto | Orbis Maryknoll, NY | 1984 (Eng) | $6.00 | This 154-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is a spiritual autobiography. It is in like newcondition. |
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When the Well Runs Dry Prayer Beyond the Beginnings | Thomas H Green Sj | Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN | 1979 | $4.00 | This175-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition. |
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Toward Moral & Religious Maturity | C Brusselmans; J ODonohoe; J Fowler; Vergote, et al | Silver Burdett Morristown, NJ | 1980 | $6.00 | This 586-page paperback is in good condition. It contains essays by North American and European Scholar-Participants in the First International Conference on Moral and Religious Development. |
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Introduction to Catechetics | Peter de Rosa (Editor) | The Bruce Publishing Co. Milwaukee | 1968 | $3.00 | This 198-page paperback is in good condition. |
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St. Francis of Assisi (a Biography) | Johannes Jorgenson | Doubleday & Company Garden City, NY | 1969 | $3.00 | This 354-page, Image Book, paperback is in good condition. |
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Teilhard, the Man, the Priest, the Scientist a Biography | Mary Lukas & Ellan Lukas | Doubleday Co Inc Garden City, NY | 1977 | $4.00 | This 360-page hard cover book (w/jacket) is in good condition. It has the writing of a previous owner on the inside page of the front cover. |
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