The central theme of this Master Set is captured in its title, Focus on Peace. The lessons, discussions, prayers, activities, announcements, and resources included in this set are reminders of the Christian legacy of peace and the call to Christians of all ages to become peacemakers.
ÒPeace is My parting gift to you, My own peace, such as the world cannot give.Ó
(John 14: 27)
Discussion Sheets
A. Excerpts from Church Documents
1. Causes of Conflict 2. New Order in the World 3. Human Rights 4. Differences Among People 5. Racism 6. Justice and Conflict Resolution 7. Never Again War
B. Excerpts from Various Sources 1. GodÕs Creation 2. The Beatitudes 3. This World in Arms
Lessons, Activities, Puzzles
Peace Calendar